Our Upcoming Events
Check out our upcoming events below:
Memorial Day Ceremony
Monday, May 29, 2023 @ 9:30 a.m.
Please join us to honor our men and women that have given and
continously give to protect our nation and the Constitution so we can have our freedoms and honor democracy. Many of our veterans have made sacrifices and some the ultimate call of duty which we will recognize.
1. Welcome=Chairman Lyle D. Wanless
2. Pledge of Allegience= Boy Scout Troop 350 and Cub Scout Troop 150
3. Invocation=James Brown. Chaplain American Legion Post 160
4. Music “America the Beautiful”, Molly Wanless, Graduate, UW –
5. Recognition
6. Guest Speaker Daniel Krause, Attorney of Law, Viet Nam Veteran
7. Farwell to Departed Veterans
8. Laying of the Wreath. American Legion Post 160
9. Music= Molly Wanless
10. Benediction =James Brown, Chaplain, American Legion Post 160
11. Firing Squad, Color Guard Commander Oscar Larson, VFW Post 10272
12. Taps= Misty Davis Johnson